Cross Forward Consulting is an independent app maker.
Its apps are made by David Smith.
If you need help or support with one of my apps, please email us below.
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Widgetsmith lets you personalize your home screen like never before.
It starts with a wide collection of highly customizable widgets, which range in function from date, to weather, to astronomy. Each can be adjusted precisely to best fit your desired function and appearance.
This set of widgets can then be dynamically scheduled to appear on your home screen following rules you define. For example, a particular widget could show the weather first thing in the morning, then your calendar during your work day, then switch to your Activity ring progress as you wrap up your day. This lets you take full advantage of each slot on your home screen.
The app itself also includes a wide collection of tools, such as a weather app, a timezone converter, a calendar. These tools can automatically launch based on the active widget tapped.

Take advantage of the motion tracking capabilities in your iPhone to improve your health. Pedometer++ lets you easily keep track of your daily and weekly step counts. You can also set the app to dynamically show your current step count as the applications badge. This will update dynamically throughout the day.

Watchsmith lets you personalize your Apple Watch like never before.
It starts with a wide collection of highly customizable complications, which range in function from date, to weather, to astronomy. Each can be adjusted precisely to best fit your desired function and appearance.
This set of complications can then be dynamically scheduled to appear on your watch face following rules you define. For example, a particular complication slot could show the weather first thing in the morning, then your calendar during your work day, then switch to your Activity ring progress as you wrap up your day. This lets you take full advantage of each slot on your watch face without the need to constantly switch back and forth between faces.
The Apple Watch app itself also includes a wide collection of tools and functions, such as a weather app, a workout app, a timezone converter, games and a calendar. Watchsmith provides one tap access to what you need, right when you need it.

Geneva Moon
Geneva Moon is an astronomically accurate moon complication for the Apple Watch. It shows you on your wrist exactly what you’ll see in the sky for your current location. Using its watch app you can also determine lunar conditions for any point in time by turning the digital crown.

CalZones is a calendaring app built from the ground up to be smart about managing timezones. It starts by letting you choose a list of the zones that are relevant to you and then all aspects of the app tailor themselves into making it easy to coordinate between those timezones. Read more about it here

Sleep++ FREE
Use your Apple Watch to AUTOMATICALLY track your sleep!
Sleep++ takes advantage of the motion and health monitoring capabilities of your Apple Watch to measure both the duration and quality of your sleep. The better you understand how well you are sleeping the more you are able to make changes in your routines to benefit your rest.
My goal is to provide every Apple Watch owner with a free automatic sleep tracker that is simple and clear to understand. For each night you get a straightforward report of how long you slept and how restful you were during the night.
Simply wear your Apple Watch overnight and each morning Sleep++ will analyze your sleep and give you a report about how long and restfully you slept.

Workouts++ FREE
Workouts++ lets you completely customize your Apple Watch workouts to display whatever fitness data you’d like — from a 6 metric display packed with info to a focused single metric display. For each metric you can setup conditional coloring and haptic alerts to help keep you in the zone. You can even display graphs of your performance to help you understand how well your workout is going. My goal was to create the most customizable workout app possible for the Apple Watch.
The Apple Watch app then lets you use these custom workout screens during your workout, with your configured haptics keeping you on track.
I added a feature to the Apple Watch to help make ending your workout better when your fingers are wet or are wearing gloves. You can also now do this solely using the Digital Crown.
Back on your iPhone once the workout is complete you can browse all the collected workouts in the Workouts area. This includes summary statistics as well as minute-by-minute graphs showing precisely your performance.
I started out making the perfect workout app for myself and I believe I ended up making the best workout app for the Apple Watch, period. I hope you’ll give it a try.

Activity++ is designed to help you make sense of all the health and fitness data being collected by your Apple Watch…and motivate you to be even more active!
- A simple timeline of your daily progress towards your fitness goals
- Tap a day to quickly see a more detailed view
- Track your goal streaks and see how long you can keep on going
- Rest Day analysis of streaks lets you keep a streak going on rest days
- Get a summary report of your activity to track your best days
- Better Complications for your watch (including monochrome utility)
- Detailed Glance view showing both goal and detailed stats.

Audiobooks FREE
Listen to 5,154 classic audiobooks totally FREE on your iPhone or iPad. In addition to the great free content, we also include a growing collection of premium audiobooks for your enjoyment. These include professionally narrated modern best sellers and hand-selected classics edited for maximum quality.
Whether you are stuck in traffic, waiting for your connection, cramming for that English test, or just relaxing on your sofa, Audiobooks provides your most beloved audiobooks at the touch of your finger.